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Code: 2770 
(1 x 90tablets)

Dosage: Take 3
tablets 3 hours
after your last 
meal with enough 


During the development years of childhood and adolescence, our bodies exist in a state of continuous growth. In order to support this growth and control the utilization of nutrients, our pituitary gland produces a substance called human growth hormone (hGH). This hormone is the "controller" of the whole growth process and, for the vast majority of us, it does a very good job.

Later in life, usually in our early twenties when our bodies have reached adult form, the pituitary cuts back on its production of hGH. For many of us, this signals a slowing of the metabolic activities that utilize energy to support growth. This creates unneeded energy that our bodies begin to store as tommy and belly fat. As we accumulate fat, our body tone (fat to lean tissue ratio) begins to slip away.

GNLD best weight loss pills Ami-Tone supplement, is a amino acid supplement for weight loss which also provides the body with the same amino acids and other nutrients that work with hGH, supporting the utilization of fat for energy and the production of lean body tissue. These nutrients combine to create an amino acid balance similar to that of our youthful growth and development period.


Most people know the benefit of exercise and healthy living but often complain that even if they go to the gym they don't lose weight. This is mostly because the body isn't burning fat instead it is using up sugar in the blood.

To utilize fat so as to burn it for flat tummy, and for energy so that you may achieve a lean toned body I recommend: GNLD AMI-TONE AMINO ACID, A FAT BURNING SUPPLEMENT.


For sportmen and bodybuilding people, GNLD Amitone is a food supplement that supports to buld your lean muscles and make you fit for optimum health statue. It has no side-effects and is totally natural.

GNLD Amitone supplement Features includes:

  • 100% naturally occurring free form amino acids for rapid absorption and utilization.
  • Complete formula containing free form amino acids, chelated minerals and selected herbs; supports the bodily functions of muscle protein retention, fat mobilization, lean tissue development and overall body toning.
  • Chelated calcium, magnesium and zinc for improved absorption of these metabolic electrolytes.
  • Valerian and chickweed for their energy and stamina related benefits.
  • Timed dose, taken 3 hours after last meal with much water before bedtime, allows for specific amino acid blood level increase while sleeping.
  • The amino acids in this formula are of plant origin.

GNLD Amitone - one of the best top amino acid supplement product pills was proven to have the following benefits:

  • Natural Muscle toner and also good for body builders as it is a natural product
  • Your body does the work.
  • Sensible eating and regular, moderate exercise will improve success.
  • Ami-Tone is SAFE, it has no appetite depressants
  • You can use it with confidence.
  • Helps assure a pleasant, restful sleep.
  • Works in sync with body's natural cycles: timed dose, taken at bedtime, utilizes regular, nightly fluctuations of amino acid blood levels.

Before and After the used of GNLD Amitone Supplement product

GNLD Amitone Amino Acid Supplement Nutritional Information

Serving per container25Per 20g ServingPer 100g ServingEnergy313kJ1565kJProtein16.6g83gCarbonydrate0.9g4.5gTotal Fat0.5g2.5Sodium202mg1010mgPotassium32mg160mg

Use GNLD Ami-tone Supplement in addition to this few workouts for flat tommy and belly fat

GNLD Ami − tone


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    Since I created my GNLD Neolife distrbutor's website, people want to know why I use the internet to share GNLD health products and why I chose GNLD as the best company to work with. I believe people think I am just in this to earn a living, so I want to directly address this concern.

      I joined GNLD as a Distributor with the intention of just getting the products at a discount price. Back then, I never thought about using the internet to share the products and to share the opportunity -- Once I experienced the products, I could not keep them a secret! My intentions shifted to wanting to help other people experience the same thing I had experienced -- incredible health, energy, youthfulness and immunity. That desire has never changed, and after few years of using and sharing the products with my daily acquaintances, I realized I could have an even larger influence by using the internet -- I could reach more people than I could just from my day to day interactions with people I talk to.

    As a young man full of passion to add virtues and value to this generation of ours, I went into learning a bit of website designing so as to have an idea of how the internet can help reaching as many people having issues with health and looking for opportunities in changing their lives positively so I decided to create my own GNLD website. I am sharing everything I know about health, dietary recommendations, and how to address nutritional conflicts that are an underlying factor in nearly all diseases. I also wanted to share the amazing income opportunity that GNLD offers. I draw most of my nutritional information from the incredible knowledge I gain from GNLD international Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) and GNLD's outstanding product line-- using the products now for years and witnessing for myself the tremendous, positive results achieved from each and every products.

    GNLD international Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) is what makes it possible to provide all this valuable information to you -- information that has, and continues to make, a real difference in so many people's lives.

    I've spent years seeing people try a large variety of natural therapies and homeopathic products and I have observed just how in-effective they were. I feel that many would benefit from my experience and wanted to share GNLD's incredible products on-line. I put everything I have learned on the site, I held nothing back, and I continue to add to the website anytime I discover a new technology, new uses for the GNLD products, and or anytime GNLD has new international health news information to pass down. There aren't any "secrets" that I haven't already put on the website -- if I know about it; I add it to the website. Since I have start this then it took off . It is so exciting to me to be able to be such a positive influence on other people's lives!

    My on-line business could have grown at a MUCH faster rate. I could have started using paid advertising, or get investors, or use dirty internet tactics to shove out the competition. But I didn't want to be handcuffed to endorse anything I didn't truly believe in. My purpose was to share products that I personally believe in and can comfortably endorse -- products that I could bet my life on and to share the opportunity. I have only found that through GNLD! The fact that I am making a full-time income sharing the products is just a side benefit!

    It is important to me that the health products I use and recommend to others are not only the best, but are created by a company with the highest level of integrity. GNLD accomplishes that for me and much more. I want to thank GNLD Neolife for this wonderful healthy products and business opportunity and my 

    Be sure to spend some time here on this site. Be assured that GNLD offers a direct sales business franchise opportunities for anyone and everyone to enjoy the best of personal health and wellness and the added benefit of an unequalled and exceptional home based business that can earn the benefits of an increased income and a lifestyle that most people only dream about. GNLD can be stocked on the shelves in businesses as long as they maintain an appointment book! Do you know or have you ever introduced any client or customers to any chiropractors, dentists, hairdressers, massage therapists, and you were paid by them for that? Absolutely i don't think so, But with GNLD's Business opportunity, introduce people to this opportunity as i am to you and receive commissions that will make you feel grossly overpaid!!! You will have no regrets and your life will change forever for the better. But whether you just want to use the products or whether you want to get involved in a great business, you will benefit either way. Please feel free to contact me in person for more information. If you prefer to use the phone, call +2348152061556

    Rich or Poor - Healthy or Unhealthy - Fulfilled or Unfulfilled - Happy or Unhappy - It's your choice so choose wisely and remember: Health is Wealth!

    Thank you for visiting my website!

    Chigozie Nwamadi

    ID No. 63/2500323
    Authorized Distributor
    GNLD International
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